Vendors and business partners can now review and purchase sponsorships online. The list of
available sponsorships is below. Click the "Buy Now" button to purchase the associated sponsorship and
pay online.
Sponsorship Item |
Event |
Price |
Bank on Your Business Partners - 2010 (runs 12/01/2009 to 11/30/2001)
This program encourages and rewards DMAA Professional Members for doing business with a DMAA Business Partner Member - FIRST! Participant Company names are placed on signage taken to all DMAA Events. When a community or management company uses a "Bank on Your Business Partner" for a NEW service, the Member is entered TWICE into the drawing. Just added - EXISTING CUSTOMER's that do new business can also be entered for a cash prize! The next CASH PRIZE will be drawn at each DMAA General Membership Meeting
Bronze Sponsor
DMAA Member Mailing Labels
Need to do a mailing to DMAA Members? Buy the labels from us! Complete mailing list, including contact name(s), are available!
DMAA Website Annual
Your ad is posted thoughout the year on the website.
DMAA Website Month
Post your ad on the website
Education Affordable Housing
Education CAM, NALP, CAPS
Education CAMT
Education Con-Ed
Education Fair Housing
Education Fair Housing
Education Leasing Academy
Education Leasing Academy
Education Maintenance Series Event
Education Management Series Event
Education Management Series Events
Education RE Continuing Education
Friendship Sponsor
General Membership Breakfast Meeting Sponsorship
Highlight yourself and your company at our monthly General Membership Breakfast Meeting. Bring your marketing materials to set out on a 6 ft table, network with 60-100 Property Management Professionals and address them as part of the agenda for 3-5 minutes. This is a terrific showcase opportunity!
Gold Sponsor
Golf Outing Awards
Golf Outing Beverage Cart
Golf Outing Breakfast
Golf Outing Closest-to-the-Pin
Golf Outing Golf Ball
Golf Outing Hole
Golf Outing Longest Drive
Golf Outing Lunch
Golf Outing Photography
Holiday Gala Deck the Hall
Holiday Gala Jingle Bell
Holiday Gala Premium
Holiday Gala Valet
Maintenance Mania - Local Sponsorships
Sponsor one of the 8 timed competitions that will take place during Maintenance Mania:
Disposer Competition
Smoke Detector Competition
Lighting Competition
Pfister Faucet Competition
Blind Tool Identification
Race Car Competition
Your Company will Recieve:
Acknowledgment in the "Driving Force" Magazine
Company name on Advertisements for the event
Is allowed to bring advertising materials for Maintenance Mania Display area
Company name on signage for event
Access to the largest gatering of Maintenance Professionals in metro Detroit!
Pewter Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
PRISM Award Invitation
PRISM Awards Crystal
PRISM Awards Decorations
PRISM Awards Photography
PRISM Awards Rainbow
PRISM Awards Spectrum
PRISM Awards Valet
Silver Sponsor
The Driving Force Magazine
The magazine, has a direct target market to present your company & services to, through advertising. Readers are Decision Makers in the Apartment and Property Management Industry in the Detroit Metro area, giving a perfect opportunity to get your business in front of the right people. With circulation of over 600 each monthly issue, reaching the target market, this type of advertising is a very efficient buy. Another benefit is we offer a webpage for each of the magazines we publish. The webpage provides information from the DMAA, previous issues of the magazine & also current advertisers with their logo and a direct link to their website. This gives the advertiser another opportunity to get your company and services in front of the decision makers. The annual Membership Directory is sent out each December. Ads are included for advertisers that have advertised for 6 months or more through out the year. To place your ad, please contact Dani Gorden at 503-855-4547.
Trade Show Break
Trade Show Event