This page allows you to find a qualified vendor that is a member of the Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association.
Remember a member when conducting business.
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Click on a category below to see our vendors in that category. The number of vendors in each category is listed in parentheses.
Click on the name of a vendor to see a detailed description for that vendor.
Name |
Phone |
Location |
A1 Waste and Recycling Removal
(586) 994-0615
16521Glenpointe Clinton Township, MI 48038
Michigan based company offering 5 day a week, door to door trash and recycling pick up for apartment complexes.
Aaron Builders, Inc.
(800) 850-1440
43334 West 7 Mile Road, Suite 100 Northville, MI 48167
Fire and Water Damage Restoration
Affordable Housing Solutions
(248) 594-0099
30 N. Saginaw Suite 702 Pontiac, MI 48342
Affordable Housing Solutions is a resource that focuses exclusively on connecting families and seniors with housing solutions in the affordable category.
Air Master Heating & Air-Conditioning
(248) 399-1800
2870 Coolidge Highway Berkley, MI 48072
Al's Asphalt Paving Co.
(734) 946-1880
25500 Brest Road Taylor, MI 48180
We are a full service Michigan asphalt paving contractor providing high quality asphalt paving services since 1965.
American Professional Painting Inc
(248) 225-6205
4715 Leafdale Ave, #8 Royal Oak, MI 48073
(248) 948-5534
29777 Telegraph Road Southfield, MI 48034
AmRent helps property owners and managers throughout the United States improve their bottom line by QUICKLY CONVERTING QUALIFIED APPLICANTS to residents while REDUCING SKIPS and EVICTIONS. AmRent prov...
AMSI, An Infor Company
(813) 207-6927
3501 E Frontage Road, STE 350 Tampa, FL 33607
Aon Risk Solutions
(248) 936-5388
3000 Town Center, STE 3000 Southfield, MI 48075
Aon is the leading property & casualty insurance and employee benefits broker in the real estate industry, working with clients to develop flexible, cost-effective solutions for today's risk financing...
Apartment Cabinets & Countertops, Inc
(586) 983-6160
12231 Volpe Dr Sterling Heights, MI 48312-5324
Apartment Guide
(248) 553-8386
39205 Country Club Drive - Suite C-8 Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Reach a large audience of potential movers anytime, anywhere. Our integrated print, online, and mobile solutions put you at renters' fingertips.
Apartment Services Co, Inc
(734) 261-2814
34600 Glendale Livonia, MI 48150
Apartment Specialist Inc
(517) 887-4210
4275 Five Oaks Dr Lansing, MI 49811
flooring, pain and cabinetry for the multi family industry
(586) 826-7213
6200 Metropolitan Parkway Sterling Heights, MI 48312
The first name in apartment search is your first choice for reaching renters online.
Apco Inc.
(248) 585-8660
5511 Enterprise Drive Lansing, MI 48911
(805) 617-2159
50 Castilian Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93117
At AppFolio, we create complete, easy-to-use, business solutions for multiple vertical markets. The first vertical market we’re focusing on is property management.
Appliance Warehouse of America, Inc
3201 W Royal Lane, #100 Irving, TX 75063
Area Towing and Recovery
(734) 283-6635
16550 Racho Taylor, MI 48180
Artic Window Replacement Industries
(734) 595-1600
6596 Commerce Drive Westland, MI 48185
Artic Window is your full service glass, window and door supplier. We SPECIALIZE in the apartment industry and have been serving the Metro-Detroit area for over 30 years. > Custom Window Screens > Cus...
Asphalt Specialists, Inc.
(248) 334-4570
1780 East Highwood Pontiac, MI 48340
Assurant Specialty Property
(248) 410-2185
11222 Quail Roost Drive Miami, FL 33157
Assurant Specialty Property is a leading provider of risk mitigation solutions for the multifamily housing industry. We develop, underwrite, market and administer programs through collaborative relati...
(616) 780-5903
114 Division Avenue N. Suite 810 Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Automatic Apartment Laundries
(734) 427-8990
30295 Schoolcraft Road Livonia, MI 48150
Bader Company
(317) 706-6000
9777 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46280
Beebe Property Services
(734) 664-8916
474 Princess Drive Canton, MI 48188
Provides painting, cleaning and maintenance services for multi-family housing. We are a full turn-key company.
(734) 261-7764
28400 Schoolcraft Road Livonia, MI 48150
24 Hour Emergency Services and Full Restoration
Berkeley Point Capital
(734) 293-5196
34228 Burton Lane Livonia, MI 48154
Berkeley Point Capital is one of the nation’s leading multifamily capital solutions providers. The firm has a 30+ year history and a servicing portfolio of $29 billion representing 2,100+ loans in 46 ...
(586) 942-7856
2060 Coolidge Highway Berkley, MI 48072
Locker based dry cleaner, also a Certified Restoration Dry Cleaner.
(404) 304-1591
603 East Paces Ferry Rd Atlanta, GA 30305
Bradley Cable Consulting
(734) 604-5954
1620 Meadowlane Street Wolverine Lake, MI 48390
Bradley Cable Consulting is a nationally positioned company that represents the interests of Multi-Dwelling Unit property owners and management companies. On our clients' behalf we negotiate access ag...
(248) 547-6439
13200 Northend Ave. Oak Park, MI 48237
Bruttell Roofing, Inc.
(248) 543-3040
10821 Capital Street Oak Park, MI 48237
Bruttell Roofing Inc. is a residential, commercial, and industrial roofer. We have been servicing southeastern Michigan for nearly 40 years. No matter what the slope and regardless of material, Brutte...
Call Source
(888) 251-6165
31280 Oak Crest Drive, Suite 3 Westlake Village, CA 91361
CallSource provides Ad Tracking, Call recording, 24/7 Call Centers, Call Buttons, Performance Management and Training for the Multifamily Industry
Charter Communications
(616) 464-1846
4670 East Fulton, Suite 102 Ada, MI 49301
Cable TV - High Speed Internet - Telephone Service
(734) 716-0464
12017 Brewster Livonia, MI 48150
CIC Industries
(734) 231-7215
6740 Cypress - Suite 200 Romulus, MI 48174
CIC Industries can supply your community with carpet, tile, hardwood and laminates, vinyl, and ceramic tile - all major brands. We stock a variety of carpet for immediate installation in your apartmen...
CLEAResult Consulting
(517) 999-2313
3474 Alairdon Parkway Okemos, MI 48864
(800) 852-9274
30685 W. 8 Mile Livonia, MI 48152
Keeping America Clean one Laundry Room At A Time!!
Compass Self Storage
(248) 773-2996
40900 Grand River Ave Novi, MI 48375
Compass Self Storage is the one stop shop for all of your moving,packing & storing needs. Whether you plan to store your residential or business related items, we have several convenient locations for...
Concraft, Inc.
(248) 276-9400
1171 Centre Rd. Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Consumers Energy
(517) 768-6302
100 E. Michigan Avenue, Suite 815 Jackson, MI 49201
Copeland Paving
(248) 305-6020
469000 W 12 Mile Rd Novi, MI 48377
CoreLogic SafeRent
(248) 880-2057
PO Box 634 Northville, MI 48167
Your multifamily partner for better residents, better employees, and a better bottom line. The nation's leading screening and risk management provider for the multifamily industry. CoreLogic SafeRent ...
Corporate Tax Resources, LLC
(231) 421-3787
4312 Pine Meadows Trail Traverse Coty, MI 49685
CORT Furniture Rental
(586) 578-9575
28241 Mound Road Warren, MI 48092
Welcome to the leader in seamless support for companies and individuals in transition. CORT offers the world's largest inventory of rental furnishings. Everything from residential to office, and class...
Creative Process
(248) 548-8800
26039 Dequindre Road Madison Heights, MI 48071
Creative Process specializes in custom graphic design and marketing solutions that produce results in the apartment industry! Banners - Brochures - Logo Design - Stationery - Direct Mail - Specialty I...
CRG Residential
(317) 575-9400
805 City Center Drive, Suite 160 Carmel, IN 46037
CRG Residential specializes in building extraordinary value into the construction, renovation and redevelopment of multifamily housing properties for both the public and private sectors.
Davey Commercial Grounds Management Company
(734) 789-9044
25249 N. Telegraph Rd Flat Rock, MI 48134
We also have a location in Pontiac: 751 Orchard Lake Road, Pontiac, MI 48341
Delta Mechanical
(248) 298-0129
20903 Dequindre Hazel Park, MI 48030
Repipe specialists, polybutilene, galvanized plumbing replacement. Plumbing , Heating & Cooling services.
DTE Energy
(800) 482-8720
24420 44th St SE, Ste B Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Landlord Utility Manager is a FREE online Service From DTE Energy that assists landlords in managing their Detroit Edison and MichCon Utilities.
(248) 203-0739
39577 Woodward Ave Ste 300 Bloomfield Hillsq, MI 48304
Dynamite Landscaping
(586) 978-1856
5460 Gatewood Sterling Heights, MI 48310
Eleni Interiors, Inc.
(248) 651-2057
2628 Invitational Dr Oakland, MI 48363
Model home merchandising, sales office design, furnishing of common areas and amenity spaces.
(248) 477-5805
41169 Vincenti Court Novi, MI 48375
Experian RentBureau LLC
(310) 347-8126
475 Fortune Boulevard Saginaw, MI 48605
F Lax Construction Co.
(800) 547-1914
651 Livernois Ferndale, MI 48220
Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit
(313) 963-1274
220 Bagley, STE 1020 Detroit, MI 48226
Falcon Carpet Service, Inc.
(248) 585-8780
2766 Elliot Dr. Troy, MI 48083
Ferguson Enterprise, Inc.
(989) 239-9583
3944 Fortune Blvd Saginaw, MI 48605
Leader in plumbing, heating, lighting, appliance and maintenance supplies. Ferguson has 10 locations in the greater Detroit area to serve you.
Field's Fire Protection
29236 Lyon Oaks Drive Wixom, MI 48393
Field's Fire Protection is licensed, insured, and prepared to meet all of your fire protection needs. Our experienced technicians will provide full service, inspections, testing, maintenance, and inst...
Fitness Amenity USA
(800) 782-0939
6504 28th Street R3 Grand Rapids, MI 49546
fitness amenities
For Rent Media Solutions
(248) 350-9421
28400 Northwestern Hwy. - Suite #500 Southfield, MI 48034
Full House Marketing
(248) 474-3009
33432 Oakland Avenue Farmington, MI 48335
Providing Marketing Consulting, Sales and Motivational Training, Mystery Shops, Temporary and Permanent Placement to the apartment industry. Full House was founded in 1985 by Leah Brewer. She is activ...
Get Clean, LLC
(248) 649-6320
115 W Brown Birmingham, MI 48009
Goch and Son's Towing
(313) 382-2727
795 Oakwood Blvd Detroit, MI 48217
provides towing services in the multi housing industry
Gold Star Painting & Maintenance
(586) 944-6691
17848 Mack Ave Grosse Pointe, MI 48230
Great Lakes Commercial Sales
(616) 531-8810
3455 Byron Center Ave. SW Wyoming, MI 49519
Maytag & Whirlpool Commercial Card & Coin Operated washers and dryers and ancillary items for your multi-housing buildings. We provide Laundry Solutions!
Griffin Pest Solutions
(888) 547-4334
3261 Broad St. Dexter, MI 48130
Your bed bug experts. Specializing in non-chemical heat treatment with a 90 day guarantee. Conventional chemical bed bug treatments also available. Services also include general pest: insect, rodent &...
Guardian Water and Power
(810) 887-7798
7626 Strawberry Lake Rd. Whitmore Lake, MI 48189
Specializing in submetering installation, metering and utility billing
H&R Maintenance Co. Inc.
(734) 231-7215
6740 Cypress - Suite 100 Romulus, MI 48174
The HR Companies offer interior and exterior painting, drywall repair and installation, wallpaper, kitchen and bath renovations, condo conversions, and other construction services on request. We are a...
HD Supply
(734) 748-3480
12096 Merriman Road Livonia, MI 48150
Formerly known as The Home Depot/Hughes Supply, HD SUPPLY offers the following services: • Free Next Day Delivery on orders received before 5 PM EST • Pro-Shop set up • Budget Pro Coding System to man...
Hylant Group
(248) 643-8750
2401 W. Big Beaver Rd, Ste 400 Troy, MI 48084
Property, Casualty and Employee Benefits Insurance Programs designed for the Real Estate Industry.
(248) 987-6542
37680 Hills Tech Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331
Graphic Design, Advertising and Printing
ISC Services
(248) 786-0127
1271 W. Maple Road Clawson, MI 48017
J.J. Marshall & Associates
(586) 992-3200
6060 Collection Dr Shelby Twp, MI 48318
James Construction Group
(248) 468-0200
28317 Beck Rd. E20 Wixom, MI 48393
Desaster Restoration. 24 hours emergency response
Jarvis Property Restoration
(586) 954-4700
41800 Executive Drive Harrison Township, MI 48045
Construction, mold remediation, fire restoration, contents division, insurance repair, fire, water, wind, emergency services, water mitigation.Structure Drying, Full service, licensed and insured gene...
Kapnick Insurance Group
(248) 352-4455
26100 American Drive - Suite 300 Southfield, MI 48034
Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti and Sherbrook
(313) 965-6855
1 Woodward Avenue, Suite 2400 Detroit, MI 48067
Kurtis Kitchen & Bath
(734) 522-7600
12500 Merriman Road Livonia, MI 48150
Lagarda Security
(877) 944-8400
2123 S Center Rd Burton, MI 48519
Lagarda Security Company is a trusted and well known security company based in the south east Michigan area. We provide security guards and many other security services. We pride ourself on providing ...
Landscape Services, Inc
(586) 741-5296
22932 Rasch Drive Clinton Township, MI 48035
Lease UP!
(248) 613-5088
18530 Mack Avenue - Suite 447 Grosse Pointe, MI 48236
Multi Family Marketing and Training Specialist-Property Evaluations, Marketing Plans, Market Surveys, Resident Retention Plans, Mystery Shops & Customized Training Programs
LexisNexis Resident Screening
(248) 987-6432
Farmington Hills, MI
Resident Data offers one of the most comprehensive resident screening and collections services available for the multifamily market. We enable property owners and managers to effectively evaluate resi...
Lloyd Waters & Associates
(734) 525-2777
33180 Industrial Road Livonia, MI 48150
M. J. White & Son, Inc.
(888) 992-4404
22705 Heslip Dr. Novi, MI 48375
Insurance restoration, contents and mitigation contractor. 24/7 emergency service. Fire, water, wind mold, lead and asbestos remediation. Since 1979 and family owned and operated. Full Service. Licens...
Marc D Landau Attorney at Law
(248) 660-0180
30100 Telegraph Rd, Ste 324 Bingham Farm, MI 48025
We specialize in evictions. One of only two attorneys rated as top Detroit-area Landlord Tenant Attorneys by DBusiness Magazine. We are the only law firm with a web app that handles the eviction proce...
Metro Security Solutions
(586) 294-6178
37619 Grosebeck Hwy Clinton Twp, MI 48036
Provides a full and complete offering of security systems and support
Michigan Insurance Group
(734) 459-9600
859 S. Main Street Plymouth, MI 48170
Michigan Paving & Materials Company
(517) 346-5102
16777 Wood Street Lansing, MI 48906
Midstate Security Company
(616) 257-1100
3495 Viaduct SW Grandville, MI 49418
Midwest Cabinet & Counter, Inc.
(313) 822-0142
630 Lycaste Detroit, MI 48214
Midwest Carpet Cleaning/ Restoration
(734) 729-4198
P.O. Box 51155 Livonia, MI 48151
Carpet Cleaning, Water Extractiions, Carpet Repairs, Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning, Ozone Machines, Bio-Hazzard Cleaning
Midwest Maintenance Inc./ Underground Repair
(248) 866-3627
37486 Ladywood Livonia, MI 48154
For our members if you have any questions regarding underground repairs please call. We are an MDOT approved contractor with an A+ rating with the BBB. We specialize in underground repairs and vac tru...
MLive Media Group
(313) 407-8079
26911 Northwestern Highway, Suite 100 Southfield, MI 48034
MLive Media Group is the largest media company in the state of Michigan comprised of eight leading newspapers, the largest news and information web site in the state ( and the nation's leadi...
MOEN Incorporated
(440) 949-2444
25300 Al Moen Drive North Olmsted, OH 44070
Faucets & Bath Acessories
(312) 656-6489
30700 Russell Ranch Road Westlake Village, CA 91362
Internet Apartment listing service providing an exceptinal return on investment for its advertisers
(800) 689-5388
343 Sansome St, Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104
Founded by industry veterans and supported by over 300 Management Companies and REIT’s across the country, MyNewPlace has improved on the “pay-for-performance” model of Internet Listing Services. At t...
Neace Lukens
(248) 827-0302
3000 Town Center, Suite 1850 Southfield, MI 48075
Real Estate focused Insurance and Risk Management professionals, specializing in habitational real estate.
New Century Sales, Inc.
(248) 960-1147
1715 Traditional Dr Commerce Twp, MI 48390
New Member
(734) 664-8916
474 Princess Dr Canton, MI 48188
Nex3 Communications
(734) 250-1843
16030 King Rd Riverview, MI 48193
NeX3 Communications is a Michigan based Private Cable Operator (PCO) that is dedicated exclusively to providing customized quality Cable Television, Internet and Phone Services to multiple unit develo...
Niche Sales Consulting
(248) 506-7928
South Lyon, MI
I offer Sales and Marketing Consulting, Sales Training, Motivational Speaking and New Business Development services to companies in the Multi-Family housing, retail, service industries and those seeki...
Northwestern Technological Institute
(248) 358-4006
24567 Northwestern Highway - Suite 200 Southfield, MI 48075
NWP Services Corportation
(630) 857-9609
535 Anton Blvd, Ste 1100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Smart Soulutions to lower your operating and utility costs
Occupancy Solutions
(800) 865-0948
33687 Woodward Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009
Because every multi-family and senior community presents unique problems and opportunities we specialize in problem-solving individual assets - not implementing "cookie-cutter" plans.We develop and im...
Omega Solutions
(248) 498-4000
755 W Big Beaver, STE 101 Troy, MI 48084
Omega Solutions is a provider of human resources services for small to mid-sized companies. From consulting and risk management to benefits and payroll, Omega’s mission is to partner with our clients ...
One Way Carpet Restoration
(248) 888-1212
23730 Research Dr Farmngton Hills, MI 48335
(513) 442-0012
1339 Mils of Miami Blvd Milford, OH 45150
On line leasing, resident screeening and electronic signatures
Orion Paving
(586) 739-8690
52195 Van Dyke Rd., Suite 2 Shelby Township, MI 48316
Paletz Law Firm, P. C.
(248) 203-6800
32400 Telegraph Rd., Ste 104 Bingham Farms, MI 48025
Complete legal services for landlords, property owners and property management companies, including non-payment of rent actions, termination of tenancy, related civil litigation and creditor bankruptc...
Paradise Dog Training
(810) 714-4861
PO Box 335 Fenton, MI 48430
PEP Stations, LLC
(734) 793-2000
39209 Six Mile Rd, Suite #111 Livonia, MI 48152
Pest Arrest Exterminating
(248) 246-1850
900 Wilshire Dr, STE 202 Troy, MI 48084
Plumbing Professors
(734) 416-4221
30836 W 8 Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Plumbing Professors are Certified Rooter1 Specialist
Potestivo & Associates, PC
(248) 853-4400
811 South Boulevard East Suite 100 Rochester Hills, MI 48307
PPG-Pittsburgh Paints
(734) 216-5631
23361 Telegraph Road Southfield, MI 48033
Premier Apartment Staffing
- premier pro
(248) 471-9599
23623 Farmington Road Farmington, MI 48336
Premier is a full-service staffing company, exclusive to the apartment industry. Premier matches quality candidates to permanent job opportunities such as leasing, maintenance, administrative support ...
Premier Pest Management, Inc.
(734) 207-5286
42030 Koppernick Rd., Suite 316 Canton, MI 48187
Specializing in all general pest control operations. Extensive experience in bed bug management. Family-owned - no franchises.
Presidio Pest Managment
(586) 321-8969
4581 Lapeer Rd. Orion Township, MI 48359
Full service pest control specializing in k9 scent detection, bed bug heat treatment, and bed bug management. If your current provider seems more interested in their next stop than you- give us a try.
(248) 548-7100
26039 Dequindre Madison Heights, MI 48071
Specializing in design & production of brochures, direct mail campaigns, advertisement artwork, floor plans, site plans, and promotional items for apartment communities, management companies, and busi...
Professional Grounds Services
(248) 559-0700
23077 Greenfield Rd, STE 107 Southfield, MI 48075
Pronto Pest Management, Inc.
(248) 399-4298
1415 W. Saratoga Ferndale, MI 48220
Property Solutions
(248) 408-0991
24835 Mayfair Dr. Flat Rock, MI 48134
Provizer and Phillips, P.C.
- http;//
(248) 642-0444
30200 Telegraph Rd, Suite 200 Bingham Farms, MI 48025
Prudential Protective Services
(866) 380-1500
16250 Northland Dr, Suite 363 Southfield, MI 48075
Prudential Security strives to always provide the best service, attractive pricing and fair practices. Conducted in the most honest, ethical and practical manner exceeding all expectations. Our polici...
Recon Enterprises, Inc.
(734) 454-4187
P.O. Box 700924 Plymouth, MI 48170
Apartment and Commercial Renovations "One Company One Solution"
Recreation Creations, Inc.
(517) 439-1591
215 W. Mechanic Street Hillsdale, MI 49242
(886) 441-RENT
22425 Olympic Blvd., Suite 400 E Santa Monica, CA 90404
Renter's BOOM
(216) 282-6608
5000 Euclild Ave Ste 308 Cleveland, OH 44103
Social Leasing Promotions
(800) 736-8476
307 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 301 Waltham, MA 02452
RentGrows award winning online resident screening system offers a customizable decision system, credit, national criminal, sex offender, OFAC/SDN, eviction records, address screening and more. There a...
(800) 510-5469
P.O. Box 9550 San Diego, CA 92169-9550
The Rental Housing Multi-List. List once and advertise on many websites including DMAA, PMAM, and on your own company website. Choose the basic service with unlimited photos (Free!), or RentLinx Plus!...
(866) 289-5977
505 Sansome St, 8th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111
Resite Online
(888) 289-2016
13835 Lake Ave. Lakewood, OH 44107
Resite Online provides property owners and managers with industry changing, web-based tools to help find, sign, manage, and retain residents. We provide websites for property management companies and ...
Rose Pest Solutions
(248) 680-0111
1130 Livernois, P.O. Box 309 Troy, MI 48099
Rose provides comprehensive pest management solutions for both commercial and residential clients. We specialize in bed bug eradication for hotels to multi-unit housing complexes and residential homes...
Roto-Rooter Plumbing and Drain Services
(800) 476-6837
6480 Commerce Dr Westland, MI 48185
Complete plumbing and drain maintenance. Emergency service 24hrs a day / 7 days a week. Back Flow Certification. Trusted and recommended since 1935. Serving Wayne, Macomb, and Oakland County's.
S & S Broadband Services, Inc.
(866) 455-1982
12137 Merriman Rd Livonia, MI 48150
S&S Broadband Services, Inc., a Michigan based technology company, is one of a select group of independent Key System Operators entrusted by DIRECTV to work with qualified multi-family properties; pro...
SCI Floor Covering, Inc
(248) 359-3500
21440 Melrose Avenue Southfield, MI 48075-5631
Furnish and install all types of floor covering
Screening Reports
(866) 389-4042
220 Gerry Rd Glendale, IL 60191
Screening Reports offers credit and criminal background searches, surety bonds and rent recovery collections.
Security Operation Services LLC
(734) 480-0820
882 South Grove Road Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Uniformed Security for: Residential Complexes Senior Communities Corporate Buildings Parking Facilities Restaurants Construction Sites
(248) 547-2818
13202 Cloverdale Oak Park, MI 48237
Featuring world class paint, carpeting and flooring. Ask Sherwin-Williams!
Single Source Contracting, LLC
(313) 407-5505
42081 Willis Rd Belleville, MI 48111
Solar Contract Carpet, Inc.
(248) 352-4400
12227 Beech Daly Road Redford, MI 48239
Solar Contract Carpet, a Multi-Family Solutions vendor, has provided customers with a variety of products including carpet, vinyl and tile for over 40 years. We continually strive to offer the best se...
South Eastern Maintenance & Repair, Inc.
(248) 672-7376
2829 Easy St Ann Arbor, MI 48104
St. James Capital, LLC
(248) 290-2200
33 Bloomfield Hills Parkway, Suite 125 Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
St. James Capital is the preeminent lender for apartment owners. Our FHA loan solutions provide competitive construction financing, acquisition financing and mortgage refinancing.
Statewide Disaster Restoration
(888) 822-9500
4180 44th Street SE, Suite D Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Steward Land & Wildlife Management
(810) 360-0654
5749 Gregory Rd Gregory, MI 48137
Strategic Protection Group
(248) 968-9800
25900 Greenfield Road, STE 144 Oak Park, MI 48237
Strategic Protection Group, Inc. has been providing quality uniformed security officers since our founding in 1998 as a fully licensed and insured company. It is our mission to provide the highest qua...
Success On Site, Inc.
(734) 665-3366
P.O. Box 130901 Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0901
Success On Site, Inc. specializes in all aspects of property management. We perform on-site team workshops and company wide training programs from leasing training to fair housing/customer service for...
Suite Solutions Technologies
- http:\\
(419) 344-5450
4102 Monroe Street Toledo, OH 43606
SunGlo Services
(800) 574-2000
22960 Venture Drive Novi, MI 48375
24 Hour Emergency Response for Fire, Water and Storm damage. Additional services include: mold remediation, graffiti removal and trauma cleanup.
Surface Solutions, LLC
(734) 455-0200
41711 Joy Rd Canton, MI 48187
Reglazing of Bathtubs, tile, cabinets and counters. Installation of permanent non-skid bath mats. Hardwood floor repairs.
Swistak & Levine, P.C.
(248) 851-8000
30833 Northwestern Hwy, STE 120 Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Swistak & Levine, P.C. is the largest firm in Michigan specializing in the representation of owners and management companies of residential and commercial rental property. We counsel our clients on al...
Taubman, Nadis & Neuman, P.C.
(248) 865-3700
32255 Northwestern Hwy - Suite 200 Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Taubman, Nadis & Neuman, P.C. specializes in real estate law, and represents property owners and property managers throughout Southeast Michigan. We handle evictions and assist our clients with genera...
Techni-Serve Inc
(248) 989-0100
2065 Livernois Rd Troy, MI 48083
TechniServe, Inc. is a complete Internet Services firm offering the following services for web-enabled environments: •Internet access •Web site and Web application development and maintenance •Web hos...
The Apartment Boutique
(248) 538-4700
5142 Whispering Oak West Bloomfield, MI 48322
The Blue Book of Building & Construction
(810) 844-2455
10192 Grand River Ave, Ste #117 Brighton, MI 48116
Top Dog Moving, Storage and Logistics
(248) 535-2707
46892 West Rd. #113 Novi, MI 48377
Top Dog is a full service moving company that also provides storage space for business and individuals.
Tri-County Aquatics, Inc.
(586) 786-6234
PO Box 173 Washington, MI 48094
Pond & Lake Management Services. Specializing in aquatic weed and alge control maintenance programs, floating fountain sales & service, aeration systems and water quality testing. Serving southeastern...
Trowbridge Law Firm, P.C.
(313) 259-6900
1380 East Jefferson Avenue Detroit, MI 48207
At Trowbridge Law Firm, P.C., the goal in the landlord tenant process is efficiency. We were first law firm to utilize the Internet as a tool to facilitate the legal process for landlords. We offer a ...
U.S. Restoration Services, Inc.
(888) 877-3786
223 N. Main Street Plymouth, MI 48170
Experienced in both large commercial and residential losses. We have access to all facets of construction and restoration techniques, including mold remediation.
Universal Weatherstrip & Building Supply
(313) 534-8049
21566 Schoolcraft Detroit, MI 48223
V I P Property Services
(734) 699-9871
42022 Fillmore Street Belleville, MI 48111
Valet Waste
(813) 248-1327
601 N Ashley Dr Tampa, FL 33602
Door step trash and recycling new contact is jacklyn arnest
Veolia Environmental Services
(248) 349-3215
10599 W Five Mile Rd Northville, MI 48168
Volunteer Energy
(248) 709-8850
704 N Old Woodward Birmingham, MI 48004
provides an alternate source for gas and electric service and rates
+1 (800) 521-9938
30295 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia, MI 48150
Multifamiy Laundry Systems
(216) 212-8135
1568 S Green Road, #21696 South Euclid, OH 44121
Wells Fargo
(616) 454-7153
648 Monroe Avenue NW, Suite 300 Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Wilkins Floor Covering
(800) 476-9009
30669 W 8 Mile Road Livonia, MI 48152
Multi-family specialists proudly serving the metro area and points beyond since 1964.
Williams Distribution (Kitchen & Bath)
(616) 771-0434
658 Richmond Street NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Wilmar Industries Inc
(856) 439-1222
804 Eastgate Drive Suite 100 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
MRO supplier
(248) 613-1453
50768 Varsity Ct. Wixom, MI 48393
X-Cel Restoration, Inc.
(248) 414-3200
1400 W 8 Mile Rd Ferndale, MI 48220
Young and Sons
(888) 646-6426
24657 Halsted Farmington Hills, MI 48335
24 Hour Emergency Disaster Services, Damange Restoration from fire, wind, mold and board ups.
Zoom Broadband
(248) 515-6311
330 E. Maple rd, #220 Birmingham, MI 48009
Private Cable operator